George Clooney Cries 4 Times A Day Because Of Fatherhood |

George Clooney Cries 4 Times A Day Because Of Fatherhood

The Hollywood star opens up about being a dad...

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26 September 2017

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George Clooney Cries 4 Times A Day Because Of Fatherhood

George Clooney, America’s once most desirable bachelor, and possibly the world’s, watched his life take a different route after getting married to Amal, and having their twin babies.

And while chatting with Daily Mail’s reporter, at the Toronto Film Festival, Clooney had mastered the most typical “Dad” behavior possible, as he was showing off pictures of the twins, with a “get a load of this!” face expressions.

George was in town promoting the movie “Suburbicon,” during his first full day away from the twins. He was beaming over Alexander and Ella’s photos, referring to them as “He's a moose and she's just this little tiny beautiful thing."

And when the reporter addressed “the twins certainly look a happy pair,” the 56-year old continued proudly: “they don’t cry, I cry more than they do. I cry four times a day right now, because I’m so tired.”

Clooney who previously claimed knowing what he was signing up for with kids, he admitted the difference of having two at a time, saying: “It's not just twice as much work, it's more than that.”

He added: “And it's not even so much work for me, because these two knuckleheads don't even care that I exist right now! All they want to do is eat, so I have nothing to give them except a bottle once in a while and they're happy about that, but it's mostly Amal for them at the moment. I don't even really understand what's going on.”

Fascinated by the bond his Lebanese wife Amal shares with the kids, Clooney said: “I have such admiration for my wife because she's breastfeeding them and getting about two hours of sleep per interval, and the love they have for her is a sight to see and it's beautiful.”

"They Could Just As Easily Have Been Born In Syria..."

Fully aware of his late-arrived fatherhood, Clooney said: “Is there a perfect age to become a parent? Look, I left it so late that I'm the last person to talk to about child-raising because I'm no expert. All I can do is play catch-up and hope I'm not on a walker when I'm chasing my grown kids around! All I know is that I am at last experiencing what most people in the world get to experience, which is the incredible amount of love you gain when you have two children you are responsible for.

I have always felt a great sense of responsibility to other people in the world, but when you have children of your own, you realize you are responsible for their lives in a way you haven't been before. And you become conscious that you want to make an example of your own life that they will follow. I want to make sure my children understand they have been given things other children haven't been by accident of birth. They could just as easily have been born in Syria and their lives would have been completely different. It's challenging to remind children who have been born into this glass of celebrity and money to have empathy for people who aren't as fortunate as they are. That's going to be Amal's and my job to teach our children, and it's an important one.”

George Clooney Cries 4 Times A Day.. And His Twins Are Why